About Me

Memberships & Affiliations
Hi, I'm Yvonne

I am a highly professional Functional Kinesiologist & Reiki Master. I am a member of the Reiki Association (WA) Inc., the Australian Kinesiology Association & Australian Traditional Medicine Society.

In 2011, while working through a Diploma of Aromatherapy I found myself contemplating which direction I wanted to go in the natural medicine field. 

Since then I have had a calling to ‘Be of Service’ & I always knew I wanted to help & assist people. Later that year I completed the first degree of Reiki healing & furthered my training in other modalities.

In 2014, after losing a loved one I discovered Kinesiology & found this really helped me in processing my grief. It allows me to continually grow & evolve on many levels.  It influenced my life in such a way that I then embarked on extensive training in Kinesiology over the next five years. 

During this time, I completed the second degree of Reiki healing & also achieved Jikiden Reiki qualifications. Being able to offer these services & more, helps me to honour my ‘calling’ in the holistic field.

I am a wellness advocate for dōTERRA essential oils, have an immense love for crystals & enjoy the benefits of using them. I am also very passionate about supporting ethical practices & local businesses.

I have a police clearance & hold a current senior first aid certificate.

To make an appointment or discuss how we can work together to help you Embrace your Wellness, please get in touch.


Please note: Sayana Therapies provides a strictly non-sexual service.