Functional Kinesiology & Brain Integration

Session Durations:

Initial Appointment   120mins      |      Follow-up   90mins

Functional Kinesiology

Kinesiology is a holistic, non- invasive approach to improving your happiness & overall wellbeing, which is available to both adults & children. Kinesiology combines western physiological healing sciences with ancient eastern energetic healing to look at a wide range of emotional, mental, physical, spiritual & nutritional issues.

Kinesiology uses muscle monitoring to form direct communication with the emotional, physical, mental & cellular systems of the body to identify any stresses that may be present. The same muscle response assists in identifying what corrections the body needs to be balanced.

Corrections can include sound therapy, acupressure & meridian stimulation, emotional stress release techniques & flower essences. 

Brain Integration

Brain Integration is a specialised form of Kinesiology which forms part of the Learning Enhancement Program.  It involves working with the brain to assist with improving its function on a deeper level, with such areas as language & mathematical concepts, memory, learning difficulties & more.

It helps to address issues linked to working memory, short term memory or long-term memory, learning, auditory & visual processing.
It is also helpful with issues such as anxiety, thought processing & co-ordination.

Enquire & Book

To find out more about these sessions and how you can benefit from them, please drop me a note below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.